Our Services
Medical Care
The Healing Bridge Clinic provides non-emergency medical care at no charge to residents of Fayette and the surrounding counties.
- General Medicine
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Dental (Limited)
- Vision (Limited)
- Mental Health Counseling
- Addiction Counseling
- Physical Therapy (by referral)
- Spiritual Resources
- Orthopedic services
- Podiatry Care
- Women's Wellness
Women's Wellness Care
Women have access to pap smears at our clinic and mammograms at an imaging center through community partnerships with Piedmont Fayette & Out Patient Imaging.
Dental/Vision Care
Patients must see a Healing Bridge provider to receive a referral for dental care. Traditionally, there is a wait list for dental services and patients are seen off-site at the dentist’s office.
The Healing Bridge Clinic has partnered with Georgia Lion’s Lighthouse Foundation to bring free eye exams to our patients.
There is a nominal fee for glasses.
Eye clinics are held every other month.
Spiritual Resources
We care about you and your families! All patients are shown the love of Christ.
We love to pray with friends and families of our patients. If you have a prayer request, please let us know. Please send us your request by clicking the button below.
Other Services
Lab tests, X-rays, MRI’s, and Imaging Services are provided to patients at no charge.
Physical Therapy services are available by referral.
We also offer annual flu shots to our patients.